Day: February 8, 2024

B2C cold email

How to Increase Sales with B2C Cold Email

If you’re selling a product or service to consumers, B2C cold email is an efficient, cost-effective way to reach your target audience. Here’s why: Over 90 percent of the United States population uses email Over 70 percent of consumers prefer email over other marketing channels Marketers report an average ROI of 42:1 from B2C email…

Website Visitor Identification

Want to See Who’s Visiting Your Website? Try Visitor Identification.

Everyone wants more leads, more sales, and more revenue. Whether your business is struggling or it’s just not growing as fast as you’d like, website visitor identification software can accelerate your company’s growth. This technology provides a cost-effective way for B2C and B2B companies to generate leads, even when visitors don’t convert. This article will…