Looking for the Best of Visual Visitors' Competitors?

Find out who visited your website with LeadPost.

Visual Visitor is a website visitor tracking and marketing automation software that helps businesses identify and track website visitors, and engage them with targeted marketing campaigns. LeadPost is similar, but we combine top quality data with a robust retargeting platform to enable businesses to increase their conversion rates.

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No Mystery Leads

Say "No" to Mystery Leads

Why LeadPost is the Best Visual Visitor Competitor

Visual Visitor has a lot of competition (e.g., Leadfeeder, Lead Forensics, Albacross, Visitor Queue, KickFire, and Clearbit). 

But, all of those alternatives only offer mystery leads. What are “mystery leads”? Mystery leads are leads that just tell you the visitor’s company and make you guess who the actual visitor was.

Instead of mystery leads, LeadPost will you give you real, actionable leads with a name and email address. That way, you can quickly use the data to bring in new business. 

Visual Visitor WebID +Employee vs. LeadPost for Business

  • LeadPost
  • Visual Visitor
LeadPostVisual Visitor
How many options do you have for connecting to other software?
Identify Remote Workers?
Will you identify employees working from home, a coworking space, etc.?
Company Name
Will you see where the visitor works?
Visitor Name
Will you see the name of the person who visited?
Email Address
Will you receive the email address of the visitor?
Mailing Address
Will you receive the mailing address of the visitor?
Email Retargeting
Can you create and automate email retargeting campaigns within the platform?
Direct Mail Retargeting
Can you create and automate direct mail retargeting campaigns within the platform?
Digital Ad Retargeting
Can you create and automate display and social retargeting campaigns within the platform?
Dynamic Injection
Can you include dynamic content in your email and direct mail campaigns that changes based on visitor data?
Real-Time Filtering
Can you filter out leads you don't want to pay for?
Try It Free

Take Your Retargeting Campaigns to the Next Level

In the past, retargeting was limited to display ads and paid social. That has changed thanks to LeadPost’s powerful retargeting platform. Now, marketers can automatically target their visitors by email, display, paid social, and direct mail – even if they don’t fill out a form!

LeadPost users can easily launch multichannel drip marketing campaigns that target visitors with personalized messaging based on their website activity. 

Magnifying Glass

Find Out Exactly Who Visited Your Site

LeadPost uses probabilistic and deterministic methods to tell you the names, email addresses, mailing addresses, and company names of your website visitors. That’s how we automatically turn your website traffic into leads. Then, you can use our integrated retargeting platform to deliver targeted campaigns to those leads.

Buyer Intent

Save Money with Filters

LeadPost lets you filter your leads based on factors such as:

  • what pages they viewed
  • time on site
  • location

You can choose not to collect leads that don’t meet certain criteria so they don’t count against your leads for the month.

Send the Data Wherever You Need It

Visual Visitor only integrates with Zapier and WordPress. Of course, Zapier is great (that’s why LeadPost has a Zapier integration), but nothing beats a direction connection to your CRM. LeadPost integrates with tools such as Salesforce, HubSpot, Mailchimp, HighLevel, Klaviyo, and more. You can also use webhooks to push data from LeadPost to other platforms.

marketing automation

Automate the Follow Up Process

Another reason LeadPost beats Visual Visitor and its competitors is that its platform enables your team to create email campaigns, social and display ads, and postcards that can be automatically delivered to your website visitors. You can apply some of Visual Visitor’s data to your account-based marketing efforts, but it’s not as seamless as it is with LeadPost.

Most visitors won’t convert the first time they come to your site, but with LeadPost, you can increase your conversion rate over time. If you use Visual Visitor, you’ll have to use Zapier to get your data to another marketing tool (assuming that tool is available on Zapier) and set up your campaigns there.

Try It Free

Get up to 200 B2C leads or 100 B2B leads for free when you sign up for a free trial of LeadPost today!