Day: December 1, 2022

Buyer's Journey Mapping

How to Improve Your Content Marketing with the Buyer’s Journey

Content marketing is a great way to generate more inbound leads. But it can be difficult to know what to write about. Keyword research can help, but the most important tool available to content marketers is the buyer’s journey. What is the Buyer’s Journey? The buyer’s journey is a framework that divides the purchase process…

inbound leads

3 Tips to Generate More Inbound Leads

Are you generating enough inbound leads? Most people would say no – if only because you can never have too many leads! That being the case, here are three tips to help you improve your inbound lead generation efforts. 1. Blog with Intent Content marketing is almost synonymous with inbound marketing. And, while more advanced…

mortgage leads

How to Generate More Mortgage Leads

One of the top priorities for lending officers of all experience levels is identifying reliable sources of mortgage leads. This article will cover three approaches: lead generation companies, lead acquisition platforms, and in-house lead gen campaigns. Mortgage Lead Generation Companies One of the fastest ways to get started is by purchasing mortgage leads. But if…