seo ai

AI’s Impact on SEO: The Age of Smart Search

What’s AI doing to SEO? We asked Paul Mortimer, Head of Marketing, Avidly HubSpot Solutions, to find out.

For years, we’ve been focused on keywords, on trying to game the system. But that era is coming to an end. We’re entering a new age of marketing–an age where authenticity and value reign supreme. Of course, we’ve been moving in that direction for a while. AI is kicking the shift into high gear.

The Good News

Imagine a world where your content isn’t judged by how many times you can stuff a keyword into a paragraph, but by how much it genuinely helps your audience. That’s the world we’re moving into.

But here’s the really exciting part: AI is going to help us get there. It’s going to take care of the mundane tasks, the data crunching, the optimization. And you know what that leaves us with? The opportunity to be more human, more creative, more innovative.

We’re not just talking about a new feature or a new product. We’re talking about a fundamental shift in how we connect with our audience. It’s about building communities, fostering trust, creating real relationships.

The Bad(?) News

Now, I know some of you might be scared. Change can be frightening. But I’m here to tell you that this isn’t something to fear – it’s something to embrace. Because with this change comes incredible opportunity.

Imagine being able to reach your exact target audience, to provide them with exactly what they need, when they need it. Imagine being able to build a loyal community around your brand, not because you’ve tricked them with clever SEO, but because you’ve genuinely earned their trust.

This is the future of marketing. And it’s not coming tomorrow – it’s here today. The question is, are you ready to be part of it?

Challenge Yourself

So challenge yourself to start thinking differently about your content (if you aren’t already). Focus on providing real value. Start building genuine connections with your audience. Because those who do are the ones who are going to thrive in this new era.

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