Marketing Strategies & Growth

Reduce Agency Churn

Understand Expectations to Reduce Agency Churn

If you want to reduce churn at your digital marketing agency, it’s critical to understand your clients’ expectations. And it’s just as important to set expectations for your clients so they understand what it takes to run successful campaigns. Managing this relationship well will lead to a strong partnership and groundbreaking creative work. A misalignment…

Strategic Partnerships in eCommerce

Strategic Partnerships in eCommerce

One powerful–yet often overlooked–eCommerce marketing strategy is strategic partnerships. Recently, we talked with Dan Nistor, an eCommerce consultant and CEO and co-founder of Vevol Media, on the Hot Pursuit Podcast. Here’s what we learned about the importance of strategic partnerships in eCommerce. The Value of Strategic Partnerships Strategic partnerships can be incredibly valuable for everyone…

Elaboration Likelihood Model

Understanding Persuasion with ELM

The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) is a prominent theory in social psychology that explains how attitudes are formed and changed through persuasive communication.¹ Developed by Richard Petty and John Cacioppo in the 1980s, the ELM has become one of the most influential frameworks for understanding the processes underlying effective persuasion.² The model proposes two distinct…

Revenue vs. Profit

Revenue vs. Profit: The Difference (And Why it Matters)

A baseline of financial literacy is essential for anyone in sales and marketing. Comprehending basic accounting terms and their implications on business is a foundational component. Two critical terms are revenue and profit. This article will cover each term and the differences between the two. What is Revenue? First, let’s define revenue. Revenue is the…