website visitor identification personalization

How to Personalize Your Marketing Campaigns

Website visitor identification software enables businesses to turn anonymous website visitors into leads. It’s a powerful tool, and many users aren’t taking full advantage of it. One of its biggest benefits is that it facilitates better marketing personalization. Here’s how to make the most of it.

Channels to Use

The customer journey twists and turns through various touchpoints. Website visitor identification makes it possible to implement an omnichannel approach. This ensures a consistent message across all channels, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Visitor identification facilitates this approach by allowing you to deliver targeted campaigns through:

  • email,
  • direct mail,
  • paid social, and
  • display advertising.

Personalized Email Campaigns

Email is a great way to reach potential customers. But personalization is critical. Email blasts and generic outreach messages typically land end up in the spam folder.

You can avoid that with good data.

Let’s take an online fashion retailer as an example. Most retailers use visitor identification to get shoppers who abandon carts to make a purchase. That’s a great use case, but it’s not fully leveraging the power of the software.

Say this retailer sells clothes for all ages. But a back-to-school promotion won’t be relevant for all its customers. Visitor identification can make sure the right customers get the message.

The retailer can use the data collected through visitor identification to enrich its CRM records. It can determine which customers have children. Then, it can segment those customers and send them the back-to-school campaign.

Direct Mail Retargeting

Direct mail provides something tangible that consumers can hold in their hands. This can make it seem more credible and trustworthy to some consumers. It can also make your message more memorable. (And it provides an additional touchpoint, which is never a bad thing.)

The retailer could promote its back-to-school offer via direct mail as well. A car dealership could promote its monthly offers through a postcard. A software company could send a special offer on its product. The possibilities are endless.

“Cold” Calling and Emailing

Some products and services benefit from a personal approach. This is especially true for B2B offerings. As long as you have a visitor identification tool that actually identifies your visitors (and not just the companies they work at), you can reach out to them by phone, email, or LinkedIn.

Align Advertising Campaigns to the Buyer’s Journey

You can also reinforce your other marketing efforts with social and display campaigns. Use behavioral data to segment your audience based on where they’re at in the Buyer’s Journey. Then deliver relevant campaigns to each segment.

For example, people who have visited your pricing page are likely near the bottom of the funnel.

Website and Ad Optimization

Visitor identification tools provide additional data on your website visitors and customers. You use this data to refine your messaging and improve your ad targeting.

Here are some examples:

  • Fitness Centers: Fitness centers can see the age range and gender of their visitors. If most visitors are young adults, they can highlight group classes or personal training services that are popular among this demographic.
  • Software Companies: Software companies can see the job role and company size of their visitors. If most visitors are from small businesses, they can highlight software solutions tailored for small businesses on their homepage and in their marketing campaigns.
  • eCommerce companies can see the household income range and net worth range of their visitors. Based on this data, it can decide which products to feature.
  • A university can see the age range and educational level of its visitors. If most visitors are college grads, it should make sure it’s highlighting graduate school programs on its homepage.

What Data is Available Through Visitor Identification?

Here’s a look at the types of data available with website visitor identification. We’ll also cover how you can use the data for better personalization.

Contact Information

Contact information is the defining feature of website visitor identification tools. It includes data such as:

  • name,
  • social media profiles,
  • personal emails,
  • phone numbers, and
  • home address.

Obviously, the benefit of this data is that it allows you to reach out to your website visitors!

Website Data

Website data includes information about the visitor’s interactions with your website. This includes:

  • the pages they visit,
  • the time they spend on your site,
  • their landing and exit pages, and
  • their first and last visit dates.

You can use this data to personalize campaigns based on visitor interests and behavior. For example, if a visitor frequently views a specific product category, you can send them personalized emails featuring products from that category.

Demographic Data

Demographic data includes:

  • gender,
  • age range,
  • marital status,
  • presence of children,
  • net worth range,
  • household income range,
  • length of residence range,
  • homeowner status,
  • education level, and
  • automotive data.

You can use this data to create marketing campaigns that resonate with your visitors on a deeper level. For instance, if your data shows that a particular product is popular among women in their 30s, you can create a marketing campaign targeting this demographic.

Professional Information

This is data related to your visitors’ jobs and it includes data such as:

  • job title,
  • LinkedIn profile,
  • work emails,
  • skills,
  • job role, and
  • job start date.

This is useful to B2B companies that are targeting multiple stakeholders at a company. It’s especially valuable for account-based marketing.

Firmographic Data

Company data includes information about the visitor’s company, such as:

  • company name,
  • location,
  • address,
  • industry,
  • company size,
  • company URL, and
  • company social media profiles.

You can use this data to personalize your B2B marketing campaigns. For example, if a visitor works for a company in a specific industry, you can craft messaging relevant to that industry.

Use Website Visitor Identification to Personalize Your Campaigns

Website visitor identification is a powerful tool. But don’t just use it to contact your visitors. Use it to personalize your marketing and engagement strategies. This will lead to increased conversions, sales, and customer satisfaction.