
Generate More Leads with One Line of Code

There’s no such thing as enough leads. The more qualified leads you can generate, the better. In this article, we’ll talk about how to generate more leads with your existing website.

All you have to do is add one line of code.

Why Isn’t Your Website Generating More Leads?

Everyone wants to generate more leads, and marketers often turn to lead generation software or lead gen companies for help. But one of the most significant marketing investments companies make is their website.

So why isn’t your website generating more leads?

Before you look elsewhere to improve your B2C lead generation efforts, take the time to figure out why your website isn’t generating more leads. To that end, let’s talk about one of the main reasons for low conversions—a high bounce rate.

What’s Your Bounce Rate?

Visitors bounce for many reasons, and if you’re wondering how to generate more leads, one solution is to figure out why and fix it. A potential lead could bounce because of a slow load time, a poorly designed sales page, or even just because they’re in a rush and don’t have the time to read everything in detail.

There are many free landing page optimization tools you can use to discover exactly why your visitors are bouncing. For example, Clarity is a free heat mapping and session recording software that shows you exactly what people are doing on your website. 

How to Lower Your Bounce Rate

With tools like Clarity, you can identify opportunities to lower your bounce rate so that your visitors are more likely to convert.

It’s essential to understand why people visit your website in the first place. Most people go online looking for answers to specific questions. If they arrive on your website and don’t find what they need right away, they’ll lose interest and hit the back button—and you never get the opportunity to earn their business.

How to Convert Bounces into Leads

Unfortunately, a bounce rate of zero percent isn’t realistic. And even if it were, you’d still miss out on some leads.

Most companies’ landing page conversion rates are between 1-4 percent (depending on the industry). That means for every 100 people that visit your site, only 1-4 of them will actually convert into a lead, and an even smaller percentage will turn into paying customers.

But now, you can use website visitor identification to convert up to 40 percent of your anonymous website traffic into leads—even if they don’t submit a form.

All you have to do is add one line of code to your website, and then your website will generate more leads automatically.

Your visitor identification software will send those leads to your CRM so you can follow up with email retargeting and other B2C email marketing tactics. That includes the contact’s name, email address, and mailing address.

Generate More Leads with Website Visitor Identification

Not only will visitor identification generate more leads, it will also generate better leads. You can request details like:

  • phone number
  • automotive data
  • household income range
  • age range
  • education level
  • gender
  • homeowner status
  • length of residence range
  • net worth range
  • marital status
  • presence of children

Then, you can use that data to optimize your marketing strategy with things like:

  • Abandoned cart recovery campaigns
  • Better audience segmentation
  • Better personalization

Want to see it in action? Check out our B2B lead generation tool and our B2C lead generation tool.