cold email template

A Cold Email Template to Increase Engagement

Cold emailing is an effective way to reach out and make connections with potential customers or partners. But with the ever-growing amount of emails in people’s inboxes, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out. That’s where cold email templates come in.

A good cold email template can help you craft the perfect message that will grab the attention of your target audience and increase the chances of a response. But where do you find a good cold email template?

We asked Omar Hakooz, founder of Hak Sales. Omar help agencies and individuals leverage the power of email marketing to convert their conversations into sales. In this article, we’ll share:

  • Omar’s tips on cold email best practices
  • The cold email template Omar uses to make sales
  • A cold email example from one of Omar’s campaigns

Cold Email Best Practices

  1. Focus on Deliverability (Part 1). Your recipients can’t convert if they never see your emails. To make sure they do, focus on avoiding spam filters through technical optimizations like setting up DMARC and secure tracking domains.
  2. Focus on Deliverability (Part 2). Use a spam checker to make sure email your emails aren’t being flagged for keywords in your emails.
  3. Don’t Break the Law. Don’t let your cold email campaigns get you in trouble. Follow whatever rules apply to you (e.g. CAN-SPAM, GDPR, etc.) We’ve got a CAN-SPAM compliance checklist and a GDPR compliance checklist you can use to help with that.
  4. Become a Better Writer. Once someone opens your email, you need to persuade them to read it and convert. So knowing how to write a good email is essential.
  5. Focus on Improving KPIs. The primary email engagement metrics to focus on are open rate, reply rate, positive reply rate, bounce rate, and unsubscribe rate.
  6. Split Test Your Campaigns. Omar recommends A/B testing two different subject lines for each campaign and choosing a winner after sending 30 percent. Email marketing platforms like Mailchimp make this easy, or you can do it in LeadPost.
  7. Segment Your Campaigns. Split your campaigns up based on attributes like job role and set clear objectives for what you want to achieve with each campaign.

The Structure of a Cold Email Template

Omar recommends building your cold emails around the following components

  • Introduction
  • A compliment OR relevant pain points
  • Your solution
  • Offer
  • Call-to-Action

Cold Email Example

Hey there, [First Name]!

Feeling the SEO pain? Yeah, we know it can be a headache trying to navigate the ever-changing world of SEO.

That’s where [Your Company Name] comes in!

We specialize in SEO for healthcare professionals and helping your practice climb the Google ranks. Plus, we’re offering a complimentary site audit to see actionable recommendations for improvement.

Don’t let your competitors outrank you – shoot us a response back for more info!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Company Name]

A Break Down of Omar’s Cold Email Template


Hey there, [First Name]!

Ideally, you’ll know the name of the recipient so you can include it manually or with marketing automation software. If you use website visitor identification software to convert your anonymous website traffic into leads, you’ll have their first name and email (and more), so you can personalize each email.

Compliment or Pain Points

Feeling the SEO pain? Yeah, we know it can be a headache trying to navigate the ever-changing world of SEO.

If you’re doing manual cold email outreach, you can personalize this section of the template with a compliment or something else that will let them know a real person wrote the email. Otherwise, focus on the pain caused by the problem your solution eliminates.


That’s where [Your Company Name] comes in!

Now that you’ve got their attention, let them know who you are.


We specialize in SEO for healthcare professionals and helping your practice climb the Google ranks. Plus, we’re offering a complimentary site audit to see actionable recommendations for improvement.

Then tell them what you have to offer.


Don’t let your competitors outrank you – shoot us a response back for more info!

Finally, add one call-to-action. Not two. Not three. Definitely not zero! Just one.

Generate New Business with Cold Email

Cold emailing can be a cost-efficient way to generate new business if you know how to cut through the clutter in your recipients’ inboxes. With Omar’s template, you can craft effective emails for all of your campaigns.

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