meta ads lead generation

How to Generate Higher Quality Leads with Meta Ads

Are you looking to improve the quality of the leads you generate through your Meta (Facebook and Instagram) ad campaigns? Maurice Rahmey, founder and CEO of Disruptive Digital, recently shared some valuable tips on the Hot Pursuit Podcast for optimizing your Meta ads to attract higher intent leads.

Watch the video below or scroll down for some of the key takeaways.

Test Multiple Conversion Destinations

Don’t just rely on one conversion path, like sending people to your website to fill out a form. Different people prefer to engage and convert in different ways. Maurice recommends testing ads that send people to:

  • Your website
  • An instant form on Facebook/Instagram
  • A phone call
  • A chat via Messenger or WhatsApp

“If you’re only doing, for example, website forms, you’re gonna miss out on all the people that are more likely to wanna call up or chat or do an instant form,” says Maurice. Testing multiple destinations allows Meta’s algorithm to match the right ad to each user’s preferred conversion path.

Optimize for Qualified Leads, Not Just Cheap Leads

It’s tempting to tell Meta to optimize your campaigns for the cheapest cost per lead possible. But this often results in a high volume of low-quality leads. Instead, Maurice suggests adding qualifying questions to your web forms or instant forms, such as asking about their industry, job title, or budget.

Then set up your Meta pixel events to only fire and optimize for leads that meet your qualification criteria.

“Now the way that it’s working is Facebook is only gonna track and convert and fire when somebody says that they’re the type of lead you want,” explains Maurice. You may get fewer total leads, but they will be much more likely to convert to actual sales.

Consider Your Business Model

The types of conversion destinations and qualifying criteria you use should align with your business model and sales process. For example:

  • Low-consideration purchases or local businesses booking appointments can often use instant forms effectively to capture a high volume of leads
  • High-value B2B sales will likely want to drive traffic to a website form and have strict qualifying criteria to ensure lead quality over quantity

Start with the approach that best fits your business, then expand to test other channels over time.

The Bottom Line

Generating high-quality leads from Meta Ads requires giving their algorithm the right inputs – multiple conversion paths, strict qualification criteria, and alignment with your business goals.

As Maurice puts it: “Good data in leads to good data out and bad data in leads to bad data out.”

Test these tips in your own Meta ad campaigns and let us know the results!