How Digital Sargeant Captures Their Clients' Lost Leads With LeadPost

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Digital Sargeant, founded by Jennifer Sargeant in 2020, is a digital marketing agency known for its client-focused strategies and effective use of the latest marketing technologies. 

Jennifer’s clients range from junk removal companies to med spas, each with unique challenges in converting website visitors into leads. 

Despite driving significant traffic to their websites, many clients were struggling with low conversion rates. Jennifer knew she needed a tool that could help her clients turn passive visitors into active leads.

Read on to find out how Jennifer uses LeadPost to deliver remarkable results for clients across multiple industries.

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The primary challenge Jennifer’s clients faced was the inability to engage and convert a large portion of their website visitors. Despite effective SEO and content strategies, a significant percentage of visitors would leave the site without taking any action, representing lost opportunities for conversion.


Jennifer has always been on the lookout for innovative tools to boost her clients’ digital marketing success. When she discovered LeadPost, she found a solution that significantly enhanced her ability to capture and convert leads for her clients. 


Jennifer turned to LeadPost as a solution to this challenge. LeadPost provided her clients with the ability to identify anonymous website visitors, enabling them to retarget these potential customers with personalized marketing efforts.

Key strategies Jennifer’s team implemented for her clients included:

  • Enhanced Visitor Identification. Using LeadPost, Jennifer’s clients could capture detailed information about visitors who hadn’t converted, allowing for precise follow-up.
  • Targeted Remarketing. LeadPost’s tools enabled Jennifer to set up remarketing campaigns for her clients, focusing on visitors who showed interest but didn’t take action during their initial visit.
  • Improved Client Communication. LeadPost integrated seamlessly with her clients’ CRM systems, ensuring that every captured lead was nurtured through personalized and timely communication.

“LeadPost has been a game-changer for my clients. It’s allowed us to capture leads that would otherwise be lost, significantly improving our conversion rates and driving real results for businesses across various industries.”


Jennifer says that LeadPost has been a game-changer for her clients, allowing them to capture and convert leads that would otherwise have been lost. By integrating LeadPost into her clients’ marketing strategies, Jennifer not only improved their conversion rates but also demonstrated the effectiveness of targeted, data-driven marketing.

For businesses struggling to convert website traffic into leads, Jennifer’s success with LeadPost offers a powerful example of how the right tool can transform potential into profit. Whether you’re in digital marketing or any client-facing industry, LeadPost can help you recapture lost opportunities and drive meaningful growth.

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