LeadPost for B2B

Get Up to 100 Leads with a 14-Day Free Trial

Find out exactly who’s visiting your website and reach them by email, direct mail, and more.


up to 500 leads
349 Monthly
  • Website Visitor Identification
  • Third-Party Opt-In Data
  • One-Click Integrations
  • Integrated Retargeting
  • Data Enrichment
  • Email and Ticket Support
  • Real-Time Chat Support
  • Location & Email Filters
  • Industry & Job Title Filters


up to 1,000 leads
649 Monthly
  • Website Visitor Identification
  • Third-Party Opt-In Data
  • One-Click Integrations
  • Integrated Retargeting
  • Data Enrichment
  • Email and Ticket Support
  • Real-Time Chat Support
  • Location & Email Filters
  • Industry & Job Title Filters


up to 1,500 leads
899 Monthly
  • Website Visitor Identification
  • Third-Party Opt-In Data
  • One-Click Integrations
  • Integrated Retargeting
  • Data Enrichment
  • Email and Ticket Support
  • Real-Time Chat Support
  • Location & Email Filters
  • Industry & Job Title Filters

Do You Need LeadPost for an Agency?

Need LeadPost for your agency? Try an agency plan for free!


Don’t settle for a company name and a guess about who you should contact. LeadPost tells you exactly who was visiting your website.

LeadPost integrates with most CRM and marketing automation platforms so you can immediately add new leads to your workflows.

Retarget your leads on multiple channels including:

  • Email
  • Direct Mail
  • Social Media
  • Display

Discover whether your target accounts are visiting your site, how they’re interacting on your site, and which prospects are currently engaging with your content.

Enhance your current contact records with additional data from LeadPost.

Trusted By

Frequently Asked Questions

How does LeadPost work?

We use deterministic (cookie-based identification) probabilistic data providers (IP and fingerprint technologies) to match your website visitors. Based on the identification signals of anonymous web site visitors, this site visit data is then converted to verified name, mailing address and email, leveraging additional data partners and verification providers.

What data do I get?

You will receive the name, company, email address, and personal LinkedIn profile of the visitors LeadPost identifies.

Is my data shared with anyone?

No. Under no circumstances will your site visitor information be shared with anyone else. The site visit data collected is for your exclusive use.

How do privacy laws apply?

Since LeadPost only operates in the US, international privacy laws such as GDPR and CASL do not apply.  From a US perspective, states are beginning to enact state-level privacy laws, such as California’s CCPA. But these restrictions have been centered around notification of data collection and usage and the ability for users to opt out and/or purge data collected. 

Because no personally identifiable information (PII) is being passed, use of the service does not require any additional steps to be taken outside of the ones that you likely already have in place to comply with these laws.

However, your privacy policies should be reviewed to ensure proper disclosure of the use of third-party data collection services as outlined in Section 1.3 of our Terms of Service.

Ready to Turn Your Traffic into Real Leads?

Sign up for a free trial to get started today!

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