
How to Generate More Leads with Digital Ads

How much is an email address in your CRM worth? According to a 2020 survey, marketers see an average ROI of $36 for every $1 spent on email marketing. But many marketers lack the data to execute effective email campaigns. If that’s you (and even if it’s not, what marketer doesn’t want more data?) and you want to generate more leads,  digital advertising is one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to do it.

But spending money on traffic can be a frightening proposition. What if your visitors don’t convert? We’re going to lay your fears to rest with an email acquisition tool you can use to convert up to 40 percent of your traffic to leads—even if they don’t submit a form.

Generating Leads Can Be a Challenge

Lead generation has always been top-of-mind for marketers, and about half of them say it’s a challenge.

  • In 2020 (before the beginning of the pandemic), 47 percent of marketers in a HubSpot survey said generating traffic and generating leads were the top challenges they would face in 2021.
  • Over half of content marketers said generating leads and driving traffic said the same thing in 2019.

Even after a potential customer visits your website, the struggle isn’t over. They may not convert, and that’s an even bigger problem when your website traffic is low. If you don’t convert enough of your traffic to fill your pipeline, the tool we’re going to share here is even more critical because it works regardless of how a visitor found your website.

In other words, if you’re a content marketer, stick around. This tool will help you too.

Pour Fuel on the Fire

It’s especially frustrating to find that you’re not generating the volume of qualified leads you need to meet your goals after you put in the work to develop an effective email marketing strategy. You know that once you’re in your funnel, you’re on your way to a sale. You just have to get them in there.

You have a nice little fire going, and you just need to pour some fuel on it. That means it’s time to focus on paid media. Digital advertising campaigns can fill the top of your funnel and increase the ROI of your campaigns.

Why Digital Advertising is the Best Way to Generate More Leads

The primary benefits of digital advertising are its targetability and scalability. When it comes to refining your audience and increasing your traffic volume, organic channels don’t offer many options.

The best SEO expert in the world can’t do anything to drive more traffic to a piece of content if the search volume isn’t there. And, besides strategic keyword selection and topic planning, there’s only so much you can do to limit the number of unqualified leads you generate.

With digital advertising, on the other hand, you can begin with a targeted audience so that you know the traffic you’re paying for is more likely to be a good fit for your offering. Then, once you’ve optimized your campaigns, the only limiting factor is your budget and the lifetime value of a customer.

What if They Don’t Convert?

Digital advertising is an excellent way to scale an effective marketing campaign, but there is one more obstacle to overcome. In 2020, the average conversion rates for online shoppers were just 2.1% for desktops, 3.32 percent for tablets, and 2.01 percent for mobile devices.

Of course, you always want your conversion rate to be as high as possible, but this is especially true when you’re paying for traffic.

And there’s an easy way to convert more of that paid traffic into leads. This is where the small change comes in. It’s a line of code that you add to your website to enable website visitor identification software.

How to Generate More Leads with Website Visitor Identification

Now, let us tell you about that tool that we promised. It’s called website visitor identification.

It’s a lot like retargeting for email. But instead of adding your website visitors to an audience you can’t access the way a platform like Facebook does, your visitors’ contact information is added directly to your CRM.

The software uses existing technology like third-party cookies, IP tracking, and digital fingerprinting to identify who visits your website. It matches your visitor to a contact record in a third-party database and adds their contact information to your CRM.

Depending on the provider you choose, this could include details like a visitor’s:

  • Email address
    • Mailing address
    • Phone number
    • Age range
    • Household income range

The Limits of Website Visitor Identification

While this technology does seem like a cool new superpower, it has its limits. It’s called a match rate, and it refers to the percentage of visitors who the software can match with an existing record. You should expect to see a match rate in the range of 30 to 40 percent. So if you drive 1,000 visitors to your site, the tool will add 300 to 400 records to your CRM.

Some website visitor identification companies charge per record. In that case, you’ll only pay when the software adds a contact to your database or, if you use the software for data enrichment, you’ll be charged per match regardless of whether the record was in your database or not.

That’s usually a decision you’ll make during the setup process. It can be beneficial when you have a list of emails if you’d like to update your records with more information like the contact’s first and last names.

Pour on Some Fuel

Whether you’re running digital advertising campaigns or focusing on organic tactics, generating more leads is as easy as adding a snippet of code to your website. So, if your funnel converts and you just need to fill it up, website visitor identification software is your best bet.

Do some research, find the best option to meet your needs, and pour some fuel on the fire.