email retargeting

How to Increase Sales Quickly With Email Retargeting

Did you know that 77% of customers prefer email over other methods of marketing? That’s probably why shoppers targeted with email marketing campaigns spend 138% more than people engaged through other marketing methods. But if that’s still not good enough for you, now is a good time to consider an email retargeting campaign.

Is Email Marketing Dead?

Before we get into the hows and whys of email retargeting, here are a few more statistics for anyone who doubts the power of email in 2021. Email usage is prevalent among every age group. On average, over 90% of Americans use email. That’s right, even teenagers and young adults, while they may spend a lot of time on TikTok, still use email. In fact, 54.3% of teenagers and 52.4% of young adults (18-24) use email specifically for online purchases. Now that we’ve established that email is here to stay, here are email marketing’s three most significant benefits.

Email is easier to personalize.

Personalization can increase the ROI of your marketing campaigns by over 400%, and email is arguably the easiest channel to personalize. Every email service provider allows users to insert variables that reference any field the recipient filled out when subscribing. And marketing software like HubSpot allows marketers to send emails based on visitor behavior like what products a website visitor viewed, whether they abandoned their cart, and the frequency they visit the site. You can even address your anonymous website visitors by name in your emails if you use a website visitor identification tool like LeadPost.

You own your audience.

Traditional and digital advertising campaigns are expensive, and you don’t own the audience. Even if you use a remarketing list, you can only remarket to that audience when you’re spending money on ads (unless the list is based on your CRM data). But with email, you own the list, and you can email your subscribers whenever you want.

It’s how consumers want you to communicate with them.

As mentioned above, your customers and potential customers prefer to receive email over ads, phone calls, and any other communication channel. If the customer is always right, then targeted email marketing is a must.

Get More Out of Your Email Marketing Campaigns

A personalized email marketing campaign is effective on its own, but there are a few tactics that can maximize the impact of your B2C email marketing efforts.

Email Remarketing

When it comes to personalization, a McKinsey study found that shoppers like to receive relevant product recommendations. Email remarketing, which allows you to trigger emails based on a subscriber’s activity on your website, makes this possible. But the recommendations must be relevant. For example, the study mentions that one shopper was not pleased to receive an email recommending a new jacket when she just bought one. You also need to keep an eye on your email frequency. No one wants to get an email every day reminding them to purchase an item they left in their cart. You can also use email remarketing to contact:
  • past customers who are likely to need a replacement product
  • past customers who haven’t been to your website for a certain period of time
  • shoppers who abandoned their carts
  • shoppers who spend a lot of time on one of your product pages without making a purchase
  • shoppers who visit a product page multiple times without making a purchase

Targeted Email Marketing

Targeted email marketing is another way to ensure that you’re sending personalized emails to your list. These campaigns utilize the data you have on your customers and potential customers to send relevant emails. This could be demographic, psychographic, behavioral, or geographic data. For example, a children’s clothing store might use a targeted email marketing campaign to send a “Back to School” offer to parents.

Email Retargeting

Generally, retargeting refers to advertising to people who visited your website without converting. Retargeting campaigns allow you to serve ads to your anonymous web traffic (i.e., website visitors who didn’t make a purchase). These ads can be very effective when done right. For example, one study found that retargeted retail shoppers are 70% more likely to convert. But there are some downsides. First of all, as with all advertising campaigns, retargeting ads require significant investment. Second, while you can serve ads to your retargeting audience whenever you want, you don’t really own the audience. And finally, the ability to personalize ad creative is limited. But now, you can combine the effectiveness of retargeting with the personalization and cost efficiency of email. With website visitor identification software, you can send emails to your website visitors even if they don’t convert.

Retargeting vs. Remarketing

Retargeting and remarketing are two similar but distinct digital marketing strategies. Put simply, retargeting is focused on people who have shown an interest in a brand without converting while remarketing is focused on re-engaging with existing customers or prospects. Remarketing can be done through email, social media, or display ads. The goal of remarketing is to remind people of a brand and its offerings and to encourage them to take a desired action, such as making a purchase. Retargeting, on the other hand, refers to the practice of marketing to people who have previously interacted with a brand’s website or online property without converting. Since the marketer doesn’t have the visitor’s email, this interaction is typically tracked through cookies or similar technologies, and the ads are delivered through various channels, such as display networks, and social media. Retargeting is used to re-engage visitors who have abandoned their shopping carts, for example, and encourage them to complete their purchases.

Email Retargeting is Relatively New

In the past, marketers couldn’t retarget website visitors through email or direct mail because they didn’t have the visitor’s email address or mailing address. But now, as mentioned above, visitor identification tools make email retargeting possible.

The Benefits of Email Retargeting

The average conversion rate of e-commerce websites in the US is less than three percent. Even the best-performing categories (pet care, arts and crafts, and health and well-being) have conversion rates of under four percent. Email retargeting offers a powerful way to reconnect with visitors who don’t convert. But that’s not its only advantage. Here are three more ways email retargeting can improve your B2C email marketing campaigns:
  • It’s personalizable. Collecting data on your customers and website visitors isn’t easy. Every field you add to a form makes it less likely that the shopper will complete it. But with email retargeting, you can append fields to your records without making your website visitors do any work.
Available fields include:
    • age range
    • automotive data
    • education level
    • gender
    • homeowner status
    • household income range
    • length of residence range
    • net worth range
    • marital status
    • phone number
    • presence of children
You own the list. Unlike retargeting audiences on ad platforms like Facebook and Google, you can integrate tools like LeadPost with your CRM or email service provider so that you can contact them without additional costs. Additional, email retargeting can be easily pair with direct mail retargeting to establish two powerful marketing touchpoints.

Retargeting Isn’t Just for Ads Anymore

Don’t let digital advertisers have all the fun, email marketers! Now you’ve got the tools to go out and have some retargeting adventures of your own. Sign up for a free trial of LeadPost today.