LeadPost Best Practices

LeadPost Best Practices

If you’re new to website visitor identification and want to make the most out of your campaigns, here are some best practices to follow. These tips have been shown to increase conversion rates and reduce cost per acquisition.

Table of Contents

Segment Your Audience

Use behavioral data to determine each visitors’ stage in the customer journey. For example, if a visitor put something in their cart without purchasing it, they’re likely at the bottom of the funnel. So you should serve them with marketing campaigns that are relevant to the decision-making process that happens at the bottom of the funnel.

On the other hand, if someone visits your website without doing much of anything, they’re probably early on in the process, so they should receive campaigns focused on demand generation.

VSP, a nationwide vision insurance provider, target a segment of visitors who didn’t convert on their website. By targeting this segment, the company was able to increase its conversion rate by 43 percent.

Personalize Your Campaigns

Personalized campaigns are more likely to convert than generic communications (e.g., email blasts). 

Most marketers stop at the first name. But you can also use personalization to make more compelling offers and better product recommendations.

LeadPost includes features such as dynamic injection so you can make your campaigns as personalized as you want them to be. 

For example, one Virginia auto dealer group used dynamic injection to send each visitor to their website an offer for the exact car they were viewing. The group sold seven cars for an average $34 each through this campaign.

LeadPost can also help deliver contextually relevant campaigns by collecting details such as:

  • age range
  • automotive data
  • education level
  • gender
  • homeowner status
  • household income range
  • length of residence range
  • net worth range
  • marital status
  • phone number
  • presence of children

Then you will be armed with the data you need to avoid sending a back-to-school campaign to a single college student who doesn’t have children, for example.

You can also use website visitor identification to enrich the data you already have. This is helpful in cases such as when you only have a contact’s first name and an email or you want to add details (e.g., your customers’ net worth range) to your CRM.

Use Suppression Lists and Filters

Keep costs in check by using suppression lists and filters to restrict the data you receive. For example, if you don’t want to enrich the data you have on current customers, upload those customers as an audience in LeadPost. Then, you can select that audience as a suppression list when building your campaign.

You can use filters to further refine your campaign. If you only want to target visitors who are interested in a certain product, you can filter out traffic that doesn’t view that product page. Or, if you want to focus on high intent visitors, you might filter out customers who haven’t viewed multiple pages.

You can also use LeadPost’s budget controls to ensure that you don’t spend more than you planned.

Offer an Incentive

Include an offer in your campaigns. A compelling, time-bounded offer captures attention and creates a sense of urgency.

It also makes it easier to track the results of your campaigns by using different promo codes or URLs based on creative, marketing channel, or some other variable.

To get the best results, take some time to determine what sort of incentive would be the most enticing. A discount? Free shipping? Free installation? There are many options, and most companies test different offers to find out which converts best.

Develop Sequential Messaging

Most customers won’t convert after their first exposure to a campaign. So it’s critical to develop and deliver campaigns that build on each other to reinforce a compelling narrative. 

For example, Ryan Homes sold five homes with a six-week drip campaign with different messaging and offers.

You can deliver a time-based sequence, where a visitor receives different messages at different times depending on when they first visited your website. Or you can use advanced filters to create audiences and deliver messages based on a customer’s continued website activity.

LeadPost includes built-in drip sequencing so you can quickly implement this step.

Take an Omnichannel Approach

The way consumers make purchases has changed. The customer journey twists and turns through social media, direct mail, physical stores, television, email, and countless other touchpoints. That’s why an omnichannel approach is essential.

LeadPost facilitates this approach by allowing you to deliver targeted marketing campaigns through email, direct mail, paid social, and display advertising.

The key to making this approach work is to send a consistent message across all channels. But consistent does not mean identical. Tailor your creative and ad copy to each channel, and, of course, to its intended audience.

Test, Test, Test 

As with all marketing campaigns, it’s critical to test everything you can to develop an effective campaign. Some variables to consider for your tests include:

  • Subject line
  • Body copy
  • Creative
  • Offer

And that’s just the beginning. You can also test:

  • The sequence of your emails, postcards, and other channels
  • Whether the email is more effective with or without a personalized salutation
  • Whether a generic or personalized offer is more effective

Most companies should focus on testing one variable at a time. But if you have a team in place to do in-depth data analysis, you may be able to conduct multivariate tests that will improve performance faster.

LeadPost includes built-in A/B testing to make the process easier.

Track Your Results

At the end of the campaign, you want to know whether it worked or not. To determine the profitability of your campaigns, make sure you’re using UTM codes, unique promo codes, unique URLs, and conversion tracking.

Need Help?

If you have any questions, please submit a ticket through Zendesk or email support@leadpost.com