automobile leads

How to Convert 40% of Your Traffic into Automobile Leads

Automobile leads fuel your sales team’s success. If you’ve got great salespeople in place, more leads mean more sales. So, if you want to tank up on car sales leads for your dealership—and who doesn’t?—there’s an easy way to top off your dealership’s lead generation efforts.

How Many Automobile Leads Does Your Website Generate Now?

The average conversion rate for the automotive industry is 1.5 percent.[1] In other words, if 1,000 car shoppers visit your website, you’ll end up with 15 car sales leads. What about the other 98.5 percent?

They may come back to the website on their own or after seeing a retargeting ad. Or they may stop by the lot. But wouldn’t it be better if you could get in touch with them directly?

While the method we’ll share here won’t help you reach all of your visitors who don’t convert, it will enable you to email, call, and send direct mail to far more of them than you’re reaching now.

Instead of missing out on 98.5 percent of your traffic, you’ll be able to convert up to 40% of your website visitors into automobile leads.

How to Generate More Car Sales Leads

The secret to taking your conversion rate from 1.5 to 40 percent is website visitor identification. The power of website visitor identification solutions is that they reduce the friction presented by a lead capture form to zero.

When you generate automobile leads by asking visitors to fill out a form, every field you add makes it less likely that a visitor will complete it. That means that you have to hit that sweet spot between requiring too much information and not getting enough.

But with a website visitor identification, your visitors don’t have to fill out any fields. Each visitor is matched with consumer data. Then, each match is sent to you.

How Website Visitor Identification Works

The best website visitor identification solutions rely on integrations with data providers to identify visitors in real-time via pixel on your site. The identification signals of your website visitors are then converted into automobile leads for your dealership, with verified names, mailing addresses, and emails.

Ideally, you’ll want to find a provider that utilizes cookie-based identification along with IP and fingerprint technologies. (That way you’re getting the best data available, and you can ignore all of those articles about how cookies are dead.)

The Benefits of Visitor Identification Platforms

Aside from the fact that you’ll get more leads (which, of course, is the biggest advantage of this sort of software), there are a number of other benefits. Each platform is different, but here are four benefits based on the LeadPost platform.

1. It’s Cost-Effective

You’re only charged $0.24 per record, which makes visitor identification one of the most affordable lead generation methods available. If the company can’t match the visitor to the necessary data, you don’t pay.

2. It Provides a Comprehensive Profile of Matched Visitors

Getting a website visitor to hand over their email address is hard enough. Getting a mailing address can be almost impossible. But a website visitor identification platform gives you all of that and more.

You can collect the following data:

  • phone number
  • automotive data
  • household income range
  • age range
  • education level
  • gender
  • homeowner status
  • length of residence range
  • net worth range
  • marital status
  • presence of children

3. It Integrates with the Software You Already Use

13.3% of car sales leads never find their way into your CRM for one reason or another.[2]

Whether that’s due to human error or something else, you can avoid that entirely by integrating your website visitor identification platform with your CRM so the data is sent without any additional action on the part of your team.

4. It’s Compliant with Data Privacy Rules

LeadPost only operates in the US, so international laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) aren’t applicable.  And, while state-level privacy laws have emerged in the US, (e.g., the California Consumer Privacy Act), as of this writing these laws primarily require notification of data collection and usage and providing a way for users to opt out and request that their data be purged from a company’s records.

Because no personally identifiable information (PII) is passed to the end user, you aren’t required to do anything other than what you’re already doing to comply with state laws and ensure that you disclose use of third-party data collection services in your privacy policy.

Website Visitor Identification for Car Dealers

If you’re ready to give it a shot, here are five tips to make sure you get the most out of whichever platform you choose.

  1. Append additional data. If you want to collect additional information like phone numbers or automotive data, be sure to select that data when setting up your campaign.
  2. Use audience filters. By filtering out URLs like your jobs and services page you can avoid paying for the records of job seekers, service customers, and other non-sales leads.
  3. Use geofilters. To make sure you’re only paying for leads near your dealership, filter by location when setting up your campaign.
  4. Create a suppression lists. You can easily create a suppression list based on your existing customers (unless you want to enrich your contact records with more data) so that you don’t pay for data you already have.
  5. Try before you buy. To make sure that website visitor identification is going to be a good fit for your sales team, take LeadPost for a test drive. You’ll get 100 free automobile leads so you can see what the platform has to offer.

Generate Automobile Leads on Autopilot

If you’re looking for a way to get a leg up on the competition and generate more automobile leads for your sales team, website visitor identification might be the answer you’re looking for. All you have to do is add a pixel to your site, and the platform will put your lead generation efforts on autopilot.

[1] 2021 Automotive Conversion Rate Optimization Guide, FusionZONE, 17 Mar. 2021,

[2] The 2020 Automotive Dealer Benchmarks Report, Foureyes, 17 Jan. 2020,