How Anchor Group Gets More Out of Their Marketing Campaigns with LeadPost

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Anchor Group specializes in NetSuite Consulting, offering ERP solutions, implementations, and managed service plans.

With a strong emphasis on organic traffic, Anchor Group garners around 3,000 monthly visitors to their website, primarily through SEO and backlinking strategies. In their pursuit of optimizing lead capture and enhancing their marketing strategies, Anchor Group turned to LeadPost.

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Despite having significant organic traffic, Anchor Group faced the challenge of effectively capturing and converting these visitors into leads. They required a solution that allowed them to identify and engage potential customers without being overly aggressive. The goal was to gently guide visitors through their sales funnel while maintaining a positive brand image.


Anchor Group implemented LeadPost to capture the contact information of visitors to their website, particularly those engaging with strategic pages. LeadPost’s ability to seamlessly integrate and provide valuable visitor data allowed Anchor Group to enhance their lead generation efforts without intrusive methods.


The implementation of LeadPost was straightforward and intuitive for Anchor Group. Caleb noted that adding LeadPost’s pixel to their website was similar to other marketing tools they used, such as Google Tag Manager and Facebook Pixels. The setup process was smooth, and LeadPost’s support team provided exceptional assistance, responding quickly to any queries.


  • Drip Campaigns. Anchor Group utilized LeadPost to put visitors into gentle drip campaigns. This approach allowed them to nurture leads without being overly pushy. Visitors who landed on specific service-related pages were identified and segmented for targeted follow-up.
  • LinkedIn Outreach. For visitors to more informational pages, Anchor Group employed a LinkedIn outreach service. They used CSV files to connect with visitors on LinkedIn in a non-aggressive manner, slowly warming up the leads through profile engagement and content sharing.
  • Multi-Channel Engagement. To avoid appearing pushy, Anchor Group adopted a multi-channel communication strategy. They combined email, phone calls, and even postcards over different periods, ensuring varied touchpoints without overwhelming the leads.


Anchor Group has already seen significant benefits. They have been able to tap into their existing traffic more effectively, extending their reach beyond traditional retargeting ad campaigns. The ability to capture and use visitor data has opened new avenues for lead generation and conversion.

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