ai copy google ads

5 Ways to Create Killer Ad Copy with AI

Alright, listen up, ’cause I’m only gonna say this once. Crafting ad copy that grabs people by the throat has always been the name of the game.

But now, in this digital age, it’s even more crucial. By teaming up with AI, you can spit out text-based ads that get results. Here are five ways to make your ad copy stand out like a neon sign in a pitch-black alley.

1. Nail Relevancy with Keywords

Keywords are the magic bullets that bring your ads to life on search engines and platforms like YouTube. You gotta weave at least one of those keywords into every headline and description. Let’s say your keyword is “rubber chickens.” Your ad headline should scream, “Get your rubber chickens here!”

On Google Ads, AI can save your hide with keyword insertion. This slick trick slips a keyword into your ad copy based on what the user is searching for. No more sweating over endless copy options; the machine’s got your back.

About Keyword Insertion for Your Ad Text

Keyword insertion lets you automatically update your ads with the keywords in your ad group that caused your ads to show. This can help make your ads more relevant to people searching for what you offer.

How It Works

Let’s say you’re advertising a gag gift shop. You could use a keyword insertion code in your ad headline:

Headline: Buy {KeyWordChickens}

Google Ads will try to replace this code with one of your keywords in your ad group (“giant rubber chickens,” “squeaky rubber chickens,” “deluxe rubber chicken costumes”), but when it can’t, it’ll use the word “Rubber Chickens.”

Note that the person’s search term isn’t always the same as the keyword.

Keyword insertion works the same on all match types. However, it:

  • Shows the keyword in the creative and not the search term so the advertiser can anticipate what they’ll eventually show.
  • Should remain compliant with advertising policies.


  • Person searches for: giant rubber chicken Your ad could look like: Buy Giant Rubber Chickens The best gag gifts online Free shipping orders $50 more
  • Person searches for: squeaky rubber chicken Your ad could look like: Buy Squeaky Rubber Chickens The best gag gifts online Free shipping orders $50 more
  • Person searches for: deluxe rubber chicken costumes Your ad could look like: Buy Rubber Chickens The best gag gifts online Free shipping orders $50 more

In the last example, “Rubber Chickens” goes in the headline because the keyword “deluxe rubber chicken costumes” is too long to fit.

When applying recommended keywords from the add new keywords recommendation, you are responsible for ensuring that your ads are compliant with advertising policies after keywords are inserted.

2. Show Off Your Unique Selling Points with Assets

Use assets like sitelinks, callouts, and images to flash extra, juicy content at the right time. These assets boost your ad’s visibility across the board. Once you set them up, machine learning will decide which assets to show, hitting the bullseye with each user query.

You can experience a 6% increase in click-through rate on average when image assets show with your Search ads.

Source: Google internal data, Global, 2 April, 2023 – 29 April, 2023

Got some unique selling points? Back them up with image assets. Whether it’s product shots of your wackiest rubber chickens or lifestyle visuals of people having a blast with them, Google Ads will pick the best combo to show alongside your headlines and descriptions, hammering home your message.

3. Sharpen Your CTAs

Every ad needs a call to action (CTA) that hits like a freight train. You want folks to take action? Tell ’em what to do: “Sign up,” “Buy now,” “Get a quote today.”

AI can match user search queries with different CTAs, making sure your call to action packs a punch. Lead forms are a godsend here, nudging users to fill out a form and sealing the deal.

4. Embrace the Test and Learn Culture

Testing different copy variations is the secret sauce for finding what clicks with your audience. AI-powered solutions let you do this at breakneck speed, but you gotta feed it quality copy to chew on.

Performance Max campaigns let you toss in a mountain of text and images, and the AI will test every combination to find the sweet spot. Use ad variations to test different versions across multiple campaigns and see what sticks.

Ad Strength gives you a heads-up on how to make your copy more lethal, from keyword usage to the zing in your headlines and descriptions.

5. Beat the AI Blues

Here’s the rub: AI-generated copy can sometimes feel as flat as a day-old soda. You want something fresh? Make the AI write in a specific persona or style. How about Morgan Freeman or Tom Hanks? But watch out for clichés; they can turn your ad into a parody.

Another trick is to use voice dictation for brainstorming. Let your thoughts flow, then have the AI organize and polish your ideas. This way, you get original, head-turning ad copy that won’t blend into the background.

6. Steal from the Competition

You wanna get the drop on your competition? A lot of their ads are sitting pretty right where you can see ’em. Meta, LinkedIn, and a lot of those other networks make it a piece of cake to see what your rivals are throwing out there.

So, here’s the play: have your AI whip up some ads that subtly stick it to their points. Turn their words against ’em, or use their ads as a blueprint for your own.

But don’t get cocky and think just because they’re running those ads means they’re working. You gotta be smarter than that. Test, refine, and hit ’em where it hurts.

Get the Edge with Killer Copy

AI has made it easier than ever to churn out ad copy at lightning speed. But human creativity and know-how are what set you apart. Mix your expertise with AI’s muscle to create ad copy that hits home.

By following these tips, you’ll harness the power of AI to craft ad copy that cuts through the noise and drives conversions. Use your creativity and the machine’s smarts to make your ads unforgettable, just like the perfect rubber chicken prank.